- Our study on body part vocabularies was published in Scientific Reports: “Universal and cultural factors shape body part vocabularies”.
- My paper “Objects as human bodies: Cross-linguistic colexifications between words for body parts and objects” was published in Linguistic Typology.
- Our article titled “Cognitive science from the perspective of linguistic diversity” was published.
Research Profile
My main goal is to explore linguistic diversity, especially the variations of word meanings across languages. I integrate findings from linguistics and psychology in my research and adopt a computational approach. I received my doctorate with highest honors (summa cum laude) from Friedrich Schiller University Jena in March 2024 and I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. A major achievement of my academic career so far is the development of a cross-linguistic database, which contains rich information on word properties across 39 languages ( In addition, I have investigated the relationship between word meanings in the semantic domain of the human body, exploring the intricate interplay between language, culture and cognition. The key results of these investigations are reported in a study on body-object colexifications published in Linguistic Typology and a study on body part vocabularies published in Scientific Reports.
Project on Expansion of Data for Language Comparison and Investigation of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications.
Project on Cross-Linguistic Strategies of Denotation funded by International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS).
Project on Focus Alternatives in the Human Mind - Retrieval, Representation and Recall (FAHMRRR) led by Katharina Spalek, funded by European Research Council (ERC).
Project on Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Polarity systems in Melanesian languages (MelaTAMP) led by Kilu von Prince and Manfred Krifka, funded by German Research Foundation (DFG).
Project on Focus Alternatives in the Human Mind - Retrieval, Representation and Recall (FAHMRRR) led by Katharina Spalek, funded by European Research Council (ERC).
Project on Conceptual-Semantic Knowledge Processing in the Human Brain led by Philipp Kuhnke in the group of Gesa Hartwigsen “Modulation of Language Networks.”
Blog Posts (Most recent)
A list of all my blog posts on Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice is available here:
Invited Talks
A list of all my talks including links to slides is available here: For videos, check out my YouTube channel.
Talks (most recent)
A list of all my talks including links to slides is available here: For videos, check out my YouTube channel.
Outreach Activities
Title: Computer-assisted approaches to lexical typology
Title: Computer-assisted approaches to lexical typology
Title: Bayesian Phylogenetic Linguistics. Video available - click here
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